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Available Offerings

Lifewave Stemcell Re-activation Patches











4000 genes begin to reset


brain becomes balanced, decreases symptoms of PTSD, anxiety and depression


collagen and hair growth is increased and wrinkles decrease

structural integrity of both skeletal and muscular systems increase


heart reverses in age.



SCIO means “to know” and stands for Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations.

The SCIO is a safe, bio-feedback device designed for powerful healing. The focus is on stress reduction and muscle re-education by providing information about possible origins and focal areas, together with a comprehensive suite of training programs to address the selected foci.

The SCIO is a sophisticated energetic medicine system, operating at the cutting edge of energetic diagnosis and therapy.

It works naturopathically to stimulate and harness the tremendous self-healing capacity of the human system. All interactions are within natural body electrical parameters.

Drug free and non-invasive the SCIO brings the body back into energetic balance, stimulating wellness, by:

  • Scanning the body and testing over 10 000 items, within three and a half minutes.

  • Revealing imbalances in the body.

  • Sending back correcting pulses to the body.

  • In response, the body creates its own reactive pulse, correcting the imbalances.

Examples of imbalances detected and retrained by the SCIO include:

  • Food Intolerances / Sensitiveness

  • Nutrition and Vitamins / Mineral Deficiencies

  • Toxicities

  • Hormone Imbalances

  • VirusesBacteriaFungi and other Parasites

  • Environmental & other Stress Factors

  • Mental Stress and Emotional Blockages

  • Physical Body - Organs, Muscles, Glands, Blood and more.

Therapies include:

  • Electro Acupuncture, Meridian and Trivector

  • Allergy Desensitization

  • Detoxification

  • Spinal and Cranial Sacral

  • Dental and TMJ

  • NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)

  • Nutritional Balancing

  • Stress Reduction

  • Beauty and Anti-Aging

  • Homeopathic, Bach Flower, Color, Biorhythms.

Based on Quantum Physics, during therapy the SCIO measures the body's resonance/reactance pattern and determines what benefit has occurred in the time period since the previous measurement (less than a second earlier). If there has been an improvement, the input resonance is altered energetically. It maintains each beneficial setting as long as it is helping, and changes as required. For further research and understanding, the Internet offers extensive information regarding Quantum Physics.

Both animals, pets and children can greatly benefit from SCIO training. 



Another one of Burr’s experiments as reported by Gerber was the somewhat famous ‘phantom leaf experiment’. This involved taking a Kirlian photograph of a living leaf, then cutting off a segment of the leaf before re-photographing it. To the experimenter’s surprise, the energy field was still 100% intact, despite part of the leaf missing. This would seem to indicate that that the field somehow ‘pre-exists’ the organism and is a more fundamental aspect of its physical manifestation than earlier suspected. It also pointed to the possibility that the Field was functioning in some manner as a developmental template, both guiding and sustaining the leaf’s growth, but independent of it at the same time. This observation provided a clue as to how complex organisms actually develop from a seed stage. Biologists understand that the DNA holds the information for all of the inherited characteristics of a plant or animal, but are at a loss when it comes to explaining the intelligence behind the organization and specialization of specific body cells as they spontaneously line up to form an adult of their species. From this perspective, we could say the DNA is the ‘roadmap’, but the HEF is the ‘orchestrator’ or conductor of the process. Remember Tiller’s proposal that faster-than-physical-light energies would tend to be more organizational?


Further to this notion is Rupert Sheldrake’s proposal of a more general, or global, energy template that energetically supports all life forms on the planet. This would mean that the HEF is somehow also ‘tapped into’ a Human Morphogenic Field that is common to all humans. The pioneering psychologist Carl Jung suggested the same idea on a more mental level, suggesting all humans are connected via a ‘collective consciousness’. Sheldrake suggests that even if there were only 2 members of a rare species of life on the planet, a global Morphogenic Field would be present holding all the information needed to sustain any individuated form of that species. 



Just as the HEF provides a developmental template for an individual member of a species, it continues to operate once development is complete as a template for healing. When there is injury, disease or trauma, oftentimes very little is required for the body to heal. We are a self-healing system. This describes the principle of ‘homeostasis’; the idea that life forms naturally move toward balance and normalizing once the stressors have been removed and the basic nutrients provided (including energetic as well as physical factors). The principle of Homeostasis is the basis of any Natural Medicine.


Many amputees report sensations in the area where a limb once existed. This ‘phantom limb’ effect is a good illustration of the same ‘phantom leaf experiment’ discussed earlier. Robert Becker, MD, in his seminar work from the 1960’s, ‘The Body Electric’, describes an experiment where he set out to discover why certain species of animals, salamanders in this case, could spontaneously regenerate a detached limb, while a species with very similar physiology, in this case a frog, could not. Becker’s real interest was in finding a way to stimulate the healing rate of broken bones, but his experiments led to some very intriguing observations.


One of the major differences between these two species under study was that the salamander scar was electrically conductive, while the scar on the stump of the frog limb was not. If this was an important difference, Becker asked, then perhaps artificially moistening and electrically stimulating the frog’s limb would support regeneration…and it worked! This experiment points to the action of subtle electrical stimulation ‘pushing’ the damaged cells outward, as it were, to recognize and conform to their ideal in the energetic template. Without the electrical stimulation, as in the frog’s case, there was no recognition and therefore no regeneration, until the electrical flow was introduced. It is notable that much or our work in Quantum Biofeedback is just this…introducing or restoring the flow of energy and information.



Ozone Treatment

  •  Ozone stimulates the production of white blood cells.

  • Interferon levels are significantly increased. Interferons are globular proteins that orchestrate every aspect of the immune system.

  • Ozone stimulates the production of Tumor Necrosis Factor; TNF is produced by the body when a tumor is growing.

  • Ozone stimulates the secretion of IL-2. Interleukin-2 is one of the cornerstones of the immune system, secreted by T-helpers.

  • Ozone kills most bacteria in low concentrations.

  • Ozone is effective against all types of fungi.

  • Ozone is the best virucide, ozone goes after the viral particles directly.

  • Ozone is antineoplastic, it inhibits the growth of new cancer tissue.

  • Ozone oxidizes arterial plaque.

  • Ozone increases the flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells.

  • Ozone accelerates the Citric Acid Cycle, also known as the Kreb's Cycle.

  • Ozone makes the antioxidant enzyme system more efficient.

  • Ozone breaks down petrochemicals.

Mineral Salts

•Dr Wilhelm Schuessler, a German medical doctor and homeopath, rediscovered that mineral salts have a major job to do in the body

•Diluted and miniaturised mineral substances for easy access into the human cellular system, once absorbed, assists the entire body

•Biochemistry was recognised in Sanskrit; mineral substances described at that time, demonstrates the significance of adequate availability of the body’s own mineral substances

•Mineral salts have been used to benefit a well-functioning body for over 100 years

•The body needs a balanced cellular system, adequately mineral enriched, to absorb vitamins and supplements

•If not, this becomes a stress factor for the cells

•Dr Schuessler discovered mineral deficiencies present as discolorations, shadows, wrinkles and furrows in the face

•Trained practitioner can detect these with facial analysis

•Mineral deficiencies have psychosomatic connections

•Mineral salts work on a cellular level, capable of altering cell information

•They maintain good health and influence certain behaviour patterns

•Minerals are lost through stress, fast lifestyles, bad nutrition, industrially tainted foodstuffs, geopathic stress, environmental toxins, exposure to heavy metals etc.

•Diluted salts are able to penetrate minuscule apertures of cell walls, called the triturated form

•They are micro dosed cell food, carefully prepared in subdivided form, ensuring rapid and easy assimilation

•Mineral Salts are absorbed through laryngeal mucous membranes of the mouth, working on micro level or intracellular

•They are not drugs, not habit forming, have no side effects, only reactions

•Safe for all people of all ages, including babies and pregnant women

•Compatible with other treatments, vitamins and food supplements

•Our bodies all use the basic mineral salts no 1 to 12

•Continuing research by the Bio-Chemical Association in Europe discovered the body contains at least another 15  additional mineral salts

•These are No 13 to 27, they mostly support the body in its fight against so-called modern illnesses.

Bach Remedies


•Dr Edward Bach was a Physician and Homeopath in England, Mount Vernon (1886-1936)

•His philosophy is one of simplicity

•“Health depends on being in harmony with our souls” Dr E. Bach

•He researched and found 38 flower remedies, all prepared from flowers of wild plants or bushes

•The purpose of the remedies: to support the fight against illness by attending to emotional factors like anxiety, trauma and depression that impede physical healing

•Preventative use in times of stress and anxiety, assist those who feel tired and unwell.


•Remedies can be taken on their own or with medical or other treatments with no conflict

•They are safe, have no side effects, are gentle in action, for all ages, animals and plants

•There are 38 Remedies each for a specific mental state, plus a combination of 5 remedies for difficult or demanding situations called Rescue Remedy

•37 are based on single wild flowers and tree blossoms, while Rock Water is made of a natural spring with healing properties

•Remedies are divided into 7 groups, representing fundamental conflicts which prevent us from being true to ourselves

•Remedies work by treating individual’s emotional condition (not symptoms or disease)

•Effects are to transform negative to positive attitudes, stimulating one’s own potential for self-healing

•This enables the physical body to fully engage in combating stress and disease; while remedies support and uplift the emotional side

•The message from his book “Heal Thyself” says physical disease is the result of being at odds with one’s spiritual purpose in life.

Counselling & Coaching

  • Stress management.

  • Counselling.

  • Lifestyle and wellness coaching.

  • Emotional, family and relationship management.

  • Facilitation and training, various HR skills.

  • Integrated Healing (Kinesiology)

  • ADD, ADHD and brain gym.

  • The Journey

  • Integrated Therapy is a revolutionary holistic therapeutic system that combines the best of Psychology, NLP, CBT, Life Coaching, Quantum Science, Physiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kinesiology and many other modalities, with its own unique methodologies, to give you a profound yet simple approach to holistic treatment of various health issues including that of ADD/ADHD

  • Phobias

  • Stress

  • Learning Problems

  • Emotional Blockage

  • Learning Problems.

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